德国 viZaar 威萨 VUCAM XO 一体化手持式全屏触摸工业内窥镜,采用国际流行的图形化操作界面,采用工业视频内窥镜制造工艺,集合先进的图像处理技术,为操作者提供优良的内窥检测影像,兼具性能价格优势,德国原装进口,品质保证。
Don't miss important inspection details. Don't start searching. Activate backbuffer recording and save the last 15 seconds of inspection as digital video data. >MORE
国际流行图形化界面 精准的全屏触控操作
Faster inspections with easy graphic user interface navigation. >MORE
Robust 6 mm video probe of the video endoscope VUCAM XO for Remote Visual Inspections (RVI) in harsh industrial environments. Neck strap and solid support feet ensure optimized positioning. >MORE
Video endoscope technical data, specifications and video endoscope accessories. >MORE