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The INVIZ video endoscope

interchangeable video probe concept,

"Made in Germany"



The video endoscope INVIZ VUMAN RA-Y features a patented reel system; only the exact video probe length required needs to be pulled off the reel to maintain a clear working environment and avoid tripping hazard. Even with longer videoscope INVIZ video probes, full operational capability and probe control is guaranteed.


Best probe articulation and inspection results by pneumatic control with the major part of your video probe stored on the reel. [x-way only].


Optional high capacity rechargeable video endoscope NiMh battery provides full mobility and retains capacity and performance even under the harshest conditions.


100% customer commitment: Our Hot Shop Service meets the demands of all our customers even those in the most demanding industries, also offering our video endoscope / videoscope repair service for the nuclear industry. We are ISO 9001, KTA 1401 compliant and are always constantly improving our products & service.
